Linux: Using zip/unzip to add, update, and remove files from a Java jar/war

If you need to manipulate a Java archive such as a jar or war, and do not have access to the jar utility (it only comes packaged with the JDK, not JRE), you can always use the standard GNU zip/unzip utilities.


The zip and unzip utilities will both be installed with the ‘zip’ package.

sudo apt-get install zip

File listing

Here is how you get a listing of files inside a fictional archive named “my.war”:

unzip -l my.war

Update a single file

If you need to pull out a single file, modify it, then put it back in the archive:

unzip my.war WEB-INF/classes/ -d .
vi WEB-INF/classes/
zip my.war WEB-INF/classes/

You can validate the content was changed using the command below, which just outputs the content from the archive to stdout.

unzip -p my.war WEB-INF/classes/

Delete single file

zip -d my.war WEB-INF/classes/

Delete entire directory

You wouldn’t want to delete the META-INF directory for a Java archive, but just as an example, this would be the command:

zip -d my.war META-INF/\*