Python: Parsing command line arguments with argparse

python-logoEspecially when writing small Python utility programs, it can be tempting to use sys.argv to retrieve a small list of positional parameters from the command line.  But small utilities turn into successful tools over time, and manually parsing optional parameters and switches will quickly overwhelm your code logic.

In this article I will show how the standard argparse library can be used to easily handle argument parsing.

Example Summary

This small program we will use in this example is It takes two mandatory integer parameters from the command line, and performs a mathematical operation on them.  By default it adds.

For example, the simplest invocation is the addition of 3 and 4 to get 7:

$ ./ 3 4
3 add 4 = 7

If you supply an optional parameter, you can multiply instead to get 12:

$ ./ 3 4 --op=mul
3 mul 4 = 12

And an optional flag gets the operation string in upper case:

$ ./ 3 4 --to-upper
3 ADD 4 = 7

Example Code

The parsing of the command line arguments describe above is made possible with the standard library named argparse.  You can download the full code at from github, or refer to the snippet below:

import argparse
# define arguments
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Example using ArgParse library")
# mandatory args
ap.add_argument('a',type=int,help="first integer")
ap.add_argument('b',type=int,help="second integer")
# optional args start with hyphen
ap.add_argument('-o','--op',default="add",choices=['add','mul'],help="add or multiply")
ap.add_argument('-u','--to-upper',action="store_true",help="show uppercase")

# parse args
args = ap.parse_args()

# now use arguments in any way you choose

As you can see, the library takes care of parameter types, strict choices, optional flags, defaults, and much more.  This allows you to keep your code terse, and is more maintainable than raw sys.argv parsing.

Help Summary

And if your users need to see a full usage message, they can use “–help” as shown below.

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-o OP] a b

Example using ArgParse library

positional arguments:
  a               first integer
  b               second integer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -o {add,mul}, --op {add,mul}
                        add or multiply
  -u, --to-upper           show uppercase



argparse reference

official docs, Argparse howto

stackoverflow, argparse and optparse

stackoverflow, using epilog with argparse to show example usage


use nargs for optional positional args or var args

ap.add_argument('c', type=int, nargs='?', help="third integer")