Bash: Associative array initialization and usage

Just as in other programming languages, associative arrays in Bash are useful for search, set management, and keying into a list of values.  The label may be different, but whether called “map”, “dictionary”, or “associative array”, the same concepts apply.

In its simplest form, here is an initialization and then loop through the key/value pairs.

declare -A pets
       ["cat"]="mr kitty" 

# iterate over keys
for petkey in "${!pets[@]}"; do
  echo "I have a $petkey named ${pets[$petkey]}"

Which outputs:

I have a cat named mr kitty
I have a dog named fido
I have a bird named whistler

Iterating over just the values (not keys):

# iterate over values
for petval in "${pets[@]}"; do
  echo "I have a pet named $petval"


I have a pet named mr kitty
I have a pet named fido
I have a pet named whistler

Another example

A more complex example where Java spring profiles are selected depending on which environment is being deployed could look like this:

# multi-dimensional arrays not supported so using spaces to fake array
declare -A endpoints
  ["test"]="test docker mysql"
  ["prod"]="prod kubernetes postgresql"

# select target environment

# loop through each word in list
for profile in $envprofiles; do
  echo "$SELECTED_PROFILE needs profile $profile"

And would produce this when ‘prod’ is the target environment:

prod needs profile prod
prod needs profile kubernetes
prod needs profile postgresql



linuxhint, associative arrays in Bash

linuxjournal, bash associative arrays

stackoverflow, multi-dimensional arrays not supported