Although the GCP console provides a manual interface for creating service accounts and assigning roles, it can also be done via the gcloud CLI. Using gcloud, even the json key file for the service account can be generated, which is essential for automation.
The full Bash script, can be found on github. But here are some critical snippets, showing service account creation, downloading the json key credentials, and assigning roles.
# create service account gcloud iam service-accounts create $newServiceAccount --display-name "test account" --project=$projectId # get email identifier for service account accountEmail=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=$projectId --filter=$newServiceAccount --format="value(email)") # download json key gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $newServiceAccount-$projectId.json --iam-account $accountEmail # assign IAM roles for role in roles/storage.objectViewer roles/storage.objectCreator; do gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $projectId --member=serviceAccount:$accountEmail --role=$role > /dev/null done
If you need to operate as this new service account, you can use the downloaded json credentials file.
# operate as service account # not the same as impersonation, which is a different concept gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=<jsonKeyFile> # validate that operations are now being performed as service account gcloud auth list
gcp docs, creating and managing service accounts
gcloud docs, iam service-accounts create
gcp docs, impersonate service accounts
deleting service account
gcloud iam service-accounts delete $accountEmail