If you need to determine the version of the nginx ingress controller deployed, then you can invoke the ingress controller binary with the ‘–version’ flag.
But this binary is located in the ingress-nginx-controller pod, so do a ‘kubectl exec’ like below.
# show all running nginx ingress pods kubectl get pods -n $ingress_ns -l app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx --field-selector=status.phase==Running -A --output=custom-columns="ns:.metadata.namespace,name:.metadata.name" --no-headers # pick one of the namespaces and pod names from list above ingress_ns="ingress-nginx" ingress_podname="ingress-nginx-controller-abc-xyz" # invoke controller with version flag kubectl exec -it -n $ingress_ns $ingress_podname -- /nginx-ingress-controller --version
Which will output something similar to:
NGINX Ingress controller Release: v0.45.0 Build: 7365e9eeb2f4961ef94e4ce5eb2b6e1bdb55ce5c Repository: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx nginx version: nginx/1.19.6