GCP: Google Cloud Storage bucket with permissions for user or service account

Creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket is simple, but the IAM permissions required to perform operations in the bucket can be difficult to understand.  Especially when you want something as simple as to provide upload/download access to the person who created the bucket and perhaps a service account.

Below are the commands for creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

# establish login
gcloud auth login $my_user

# set project
gcloud config set project $project_id

# create cloud storage bucket
gsutil mb -p $project_id gs://$bucket_name

You can assign yourself and/or a service account with roles on the bucket.

# add self as admin
gsutil iam ch user:${my_user}:admin gs://$bucket_name

# add service account in viewer role
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:${sa_name}:objectViewer gs://$bucket_name

Copy files to the bucket using the command below.

gsutil cp my.log gs://$bucket_name



gsutil mb – create storage bucket

gsutils cp – copy file

gsutils iam

gsutils permissions required for various commands

stackoverflow, example adding and removing users from bucket permissions