GitLab: generating URL that can be used for Merge Request from fork to upstream

The forked workflow is popularized by the Open Source community where your personal contributions are made by having your own personal fork of a repository and pushing a GitLab Merge Request to a central repository.

A GitLab Merge Request can be submitted from the web UI by clicking on “Merge requests” and manually selecting the source and target branches, title, squash options, etc.  But this manual selection is tedious.

A URL with syntax like below will provide reasonable defaults for a new Merge Request.

# setup variables

# URL syntax$owner/$repo_name/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=main&merge_request[target_branch]=main&merge_request[force_remove_source_branch]=false&merge_request[squash]=true&merge_request[squash_on_merge]=true&merge_request[title]=$title_url_encoded

Assuming that you have ‘origin’ and ‘upstream’ remotes defined, you can use my script to automatically populate the repository URL, current branch, and title of the new merge request based on the last commit message.

Merge Request directly from console

If you have installed the ‘glab‘ utility, you can create a Merge Request directly from the console.

glab mr create --fill --squash-before-merge --source-branch $current_branch --target-branch $current_branch --head $origin_owner_repo --repo $upstream_owner_repo -y

Read my article on glab for example parameter values.



gitlab docs, create MR with api, glab utility

unix.stackexchange, several methods for URL encoding string from Bash, install gh CLI tool issue, gitlab web UI page does not honor squash query param, gitlab web UI page does not set squash via param issues – known problem with merge request creation and “you must be on a different branch”


Create fork of one of your own repo (NOTE: fork of your own repo is possible with gitlab, but not with github)

glab repo fork --name myfork456 --path myfork456 --clone