GitLab: pipeline to publish Helm chart to GitLab Package Registry

GitLab Pipelines provide the ability to define a build workflow, including the packaging and publishing of a Helm chart to the GitLab Package Registry.

This allows tools like Helm to refer to the public URL of the Gitlab Package Registry, add it as a remote Helm repository, and then use the packaged chart.

Pipeline job for publishing Helm chart

I will build on a previous article where I have a GitLab pipeline building a Docker (OCI) image, and add a pipeline job that publishes a Helm chart.

Add the job definition below to the .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline:

  stage: build
    - changes:
        - "charts/${CHART}/*"
    name: alpine/helm:3.17.1 # latest in feb 2025
    entrypoint: [""]
  before_script: |
    # add chartmuseum plugin to helm, makes publishing more convenient
    apk add git
    helm plugin install --version=v0.10.4

    # add this project as helm repo, using standard variables exposed via pipeline
    helm repo add ${CHART} ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/helm/stable \
      --username ${CI_REGISTRY_USER} --password ${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}

    # show public URL where chart will be published
    helm repo list
    echo "REPO"$(helm repo list -o=yaml | grep url)
  script: |
    set -x
    # pushes chart to GitLab container registry of project
    helm cm-push charts/${CHART} ${CHART}

The job definition above is invoked if there are any changes in the ‘charts/’ subdirectory.  If so, it installs the Helm ChartMuseum plugin, which has a convenient command for publishing to a container registry.

There are two key commands, highlighted below:

helm repo add ${CHART} ${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/helm/stable \
      --username ${CI_REGISTRY_USER} --password ${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}
helm cm-push charts/${CHART} ${CHART}

“helm repo add” uses the standard GitLab CI/CD pre-defined variables for identifying the project id and container registry credentials, these variables are available in every pipeline.

And “helm cm-push” uses the ChartMuseum plugin to conveniently make the GitLab Container registry API calls needed to POST the packaged helm chart tgz.

Helm chart published to GitLab Package Registry

From the GitLab web UI, if you navigate to the project, then Deploy > Package Registry, you should now see the published charts.

The web UI interface unfortunately does not expose the public Helm chart repo URL, but it’s syntax is:${PROJECT_ID}/packages/helm/${CHANNEL}

You can get the exact URL from the output of the job pipeline run (Build > Pipelines).

If you click into the ‘helm-package-publish-to-gitlab’ job, and look at the output of the ‘helm repo list’ command, it will show you the remote Helm repository URL with resolved PROJECT_ID and CHANNEL as below.

Validate public Helm chart access

Using this public Helm repository URL, we can now use a Helm client to add the chart repository locally.

# add helm repo from public gitlab URL
helm repo add google-hello-app-logging-multiarch

$ helm repo list
NAME                              	URL                                                             

# show charts available in repo
$ helm search repo -l google-hello-app-logging-multiarch
NAME                                              	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                
google-hello-app-logging-multiarch/google-hello...	0.7.0        	1.0.10     	A Helm chart for Kubernetes
google-hello-app-logging-multiarch/google-hello...	0.6.0        	1.0.10     	A Helm chart for Kubernetes
google-hello-app-logging-multiarch/google-hello...	0.5.0        	1.0.10     	A Helm chart for Kubernetes

# test helm chart (no kubernetes connection required)
$ helm template my-test google-hello-app-logging-multiarch/google-hello-app-logging-multiarch




GitLab docs, publishing Helm charts to the package registry

GitLab blog, using CD workflows to publish helm chart

GitLab docs, container registry API

GitLab docs, gitlab container registry API docs

GitLab docs, using JOB-TOKEN header for authentication to REST api

Manish Sharma, Getting Started with GitLab tokens

dockerhub, alpine/helm images

example code repo for this article

gitlab container registry for this article

Syed Javad Hosseini, GitLab Helm Package Registry using curl POST to publish, publish helm chart using github pages