
GCP: Google Cloud Storage bucket with permissions for user or service account

Creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket is simple, but the IAM permissions required to perform operations in the bucket can be difficult to understand.  Especially when you want something as simple as to provide upload/download access to the person who created the bucket and perhaps a service account. Below are the commands for creating a GCP: Google Cloud Storage bucket with permissions for user or service account

Squid: Controlling network access using Squid and whitelisted domains

Having your production servers go through a proxy like Squid for internet access can be an architectural best practice that provides network security as well as caching efficiencies. For further security, denying access to all requests but an explicit whitelist of domains provides auditable control.

Ubuntu: Pre-Validate Network ACL and Firewall Connectivity with Netcat

Although virtualization has pushed a self-service culture for infrastructure, it is still common in production environments to need your  Network Operations team to open the required ports necessary for any new application deployment. So, while you may be able to create the base virtualized host, you can’t go much further without the network connectivity.  And Ubuntu: Pre-Validate Network ACL and Firewall Connectivity with Netcat