
Vault: Spring Boot web app using Spring Cloud Vault to fetch secrets

HashiCorp Vault is a secret and encryption management system that allows your organization to secure sensitive information such as API keys, certificates, and passwords. In this article, I will show how a Java Spring Boot web application deployed into a Kubernetes cluster can fetch a secret directly from the Vault server using the Spring Cloud Vault: Spring Boot web app using Spring Cloud Vault to fetch secrets

GitLab: Continuous Deployment with Agent for Kubernetes and GitLab pipeline

GitLab pipelines are frequently used for the building of binaries and publishing of images to container registries, but do not always follow through with Continuous Deployment to a live environment. One reason is that pipelines do not usually have access to the internal systems where these applications are meant to be deployed. In this article, GitLab: Continuous Deployment with Agent for Kubernetes and GitLab pipeline

AppDynamics: Enabling verbose debug logs for Agents

Enabling verbose logs for an AppDynamics machine or database agents can be invaluable for troubleshooting connectivity or network issues. Luckily, this is easily done by editing the conf/logging/log4j.xml file.  By default, only the error level messages are sent to the logs: <root> <priority value=”error”/> <appender-ref ref=”FileAppender”/> </root> But you can modify this so that debug AppDynamics: Enabling verbose debug logs for Agents

AppDynamics: Installing a Machine Agent on Ubuntu 14.04

The AppDynamics Machine Agent is used not only to report back on basic hardware metrics (cpu/memory/disk/network), but also as the hook for custom plugins that can report back on any number of applications including: .NET, Apache, AWS, MongoDB, Cassandra, and many others. In this article, I’ll go over the details to install the Machine Agent AppDynamics: Installing a Machine Agent on Ubuntu 14.04