
Terraform: provisioning an RDP enabled Windows server in Azure

The ‘azurerm‘ Terraform provider allows you to build a Windows server in Microsoft’s Azure hyperscaler. However, in order to use this provisioner, you must first install the Azure CLI. And in line with automation best practices we will use a Service Account (Principal) to create the networks, security rules, and compute instances. When complete, you’ll Terraform: provisioning an RDP enabled Windows server in Azure

Azure: installing the Azure CLI on Ubuntu

Managing resources in Azure from the command line can be done natively from Ubuntu using the Azure CLI.  First, add the prerequisite packages. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl apt-transport-https lsb-release gnupg -y Then install the Microsoft signing key and add the custom repository. curl -sL | gpg –dearmor | sudo tee Azure: installing the Azure CLI on Ubuntu