
GitLab: pipeline to publish Helm chart to GitLab Package Registry

GitLab Pipelines provide the ability to define a build workflow, including the packaging and publishing of a Helm chart to the GitLab Package Registry. This allows tools like Helm to refer to the public URL of the Gitlab Package Registry, add it as a remote Helm repository, and then use the packaged chart. Pipeline job GitLab: pipeline to publish Helm chart to GitLab Package Registry

Helm: discovering Helm chart releases installed into Kubernetes cluster

If you are administering a Kubernetes cluster that you have inherited or perhaps not visited in a while, then you may need to reacquaint yourself with: which Helm charts are installed into what namespaces, if there are chart updates available, and then what values were used for chart installation. Below are commands that can assist Helm: discovering Helm chart releases installed into Kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes: kustomize with Helm charts

kustomize is typically used to overlay a base set of yaml, but it also has the ability to leverage existing Helm charts, and overlay a set of custom values with HelmChartInflationGenerator. In this article, I will use kustomize to deploy the Bitnami NGINX Helm chart with overridden values that provide a customized nginx.conf and custom Kubernetes: kustomize with Helm charts