
yq: updating deeply nested elements

Mike Farah’s yq yaml processor has a a rich set of operators and functions for advanced usage.  In this article, I will illustrate how to update deeply nested elements in yaml.  This can be done for both known paths as well as arbitrarily deep paths. Sample yaml We will use the following yaml files to yq: updating deeply nested elements

Kubernetes: patch every array element using kubectl and jq

Below is an example using ‘kubectl patch’ to update the securityContext of a single, specific container named ‘my-init-container1’ of the ‘initContainers’ list. kubectl patch deployment my-deployment -n default –patch='{ “spec”: { “template”: { “spec”: { “initContainers”: [ { “name”: “my-init-container1”, “securityContext”: { “runAsUser”: 999 } } ] } } } }’ But ‘initContainers’ is an Kubernetes: patch every array element using kubectl and jq