
Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack

The kube-prometheus-stack bundles AlertManager for taking action on Prometheus alerts. And if you are customizing the Heml custom values file to configure email alerting, there are multiple options available.  The simplest is to allow the system to fallback to using the default subject and html templates. But if you need to tailor the email content Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack

Ubuntu: Testing authenticated SMTP over TLS/SSL

SMTP mail relays exposed to the internet typically use a combination of SSL and authenticated SMTP to avoid abuse by malicious actors. This is an excellent choice from a security perspective, but makes smoke testing a bit more complex than just opening telnet.

Zabbix: Alert to PagerDuty using Zabbix3

Having Zabbix send alert mails directly to user groups is typically outgrown as the system matures and the number of alerts increase, new lines of business and engineering groups are on-boarded, and on-call scheduling is implemented. If you already use PagerDuty for on-call scheduling, then it makes perfect sense to have Zabbix create incidents in Zabbix: Alert to PagerDuty using Zabbix3