
Bash: extracting first or last N octets, paths, or domain from string with fixed separator

When parsing a string that is divided by a separator char, getting the first N values OR last N values is a common scenario when dealing with: IP address separated by periods, e.g. “” File path separated by forward slash “/tmp/myfolder/subpath1/subpath2/subpath3” Fully qualified domain separated by periods “”

Git: Sharing a single git controlled folder among a group under Linux

With the modern mantra of “everything is code”, operations and network teams must come to terms with how they want to work with source control in a team environment. Imagine a repository that contains configuration templates and scripts for maintaining an application or appliance.  For a multi-member operations team who shares the responsibility for this Git: Sharing a single git controlled folder among a group under Linux

Ubuntu: Creating a Samba/CIFS share to quickly share files with Windows

We live in a multi-platform world, and the ability to easily share folders of content between users in the same protected network is a function made very convenient in the Windows world with CIFS shares (e.g. \\mydesktop\sharedfolder). Luckily for Ubuntu users, it is pretty easy to setup CIFS shares to offer that same interoperability with Ubuntu: Creating a Samba/CIFS share to quickly share files with Windows