
Python: find the most recently modified file matching a pattern

Whether it is the most recent log file, image, or report –  sometimes you will need to find the most recently modified file in a directory.  The example below finds the latest file in the “/tmp” directory. import os import glob # get list of files that matches pattern pattern=”/tmp/*” files = list(filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob(pattern))) # Python: find the most recently modified file matching a pattern

Bash: find most recently modified files

Needing to find the most recently modified files in a directory is a pretty common need.  Luckily the find utility has flags to easily explore a directory recursively and list recently modified files. If you want to find modified files within ‘N’ days ago from the current directory. # files within the last 24 hours Bash: find most recently modified files

Bash: deep listing the most recently modified files in a directory

Finding the most recently modified files in a directory can be extremely beneficial when you have been making changes in files throughout the directory structure as part of a work effort, and now need to go back and pinpoint everything that was changed. This command will provide you the 10 most recently modified files, excluding Bash: deep listing the most recently modified files in a directory