
Kubernetes: volumeMount, emptyDir, and env equivalents during local Docker development

Kubernetes has a rich way of expressing volumes/ volumeMounts for mounting files, emptyDir for ephemeral directories, and env/envFrom for adding environment variables to your container definition running on a Kubernetes cluster. However, if you are actively iterating on the development of an image, it may slow you down to require a deployment to a remote Kubernetes: volumeMount, emptyDir, and env equivalents during local Docker development

Kubernetes: NFS mount using dynamic volume and Storage Class

If you have an external NFS export and want to share that with a pod/deployment, you can leverage the nfs-subdir-external-provisioner  to create a storageclass that can dynamically create the persistent volume. In contrast to manually creating the persistent volume and persistent volume claim, this dynamic method cedes the lifecycle of the persistent volume over to Kubernetes: NFS mount using dynamic volume and Storage Class

Linux: Using xfs project quotas to limit capacity within a subdirectory

XFS is a journaled filesystem that has excellent parallel performance, and is licensed under the GPL which means it has been included in many Linux distributions. One of the features of XFS is the ability to enforce quotas based on user, group, and project.  In this article, I will show how to assign filesize quotas Linux: Using xfs project quotas to limit capacity within a subdirectory