
Vault: NodeJS Express web app using node-vault to fetch secrets

HashiCorp Vault is a secret and encryption management system that allows your organization to secure sensitive information such as API keys, certificates, and passwords. In this article, I will show how a NodeJS Express web application deployed into a Kubernetes cluster can fetch a secret directly from the Vault server using the node-vault module. This Vault: NodeJS Express web app using node-vault to fetch secrets

Git: BFG for removing secrets from entire git history

If you accidentally pushed a secret or password into a git repository, the BFG Repo-Clean utility is a convenient option for removing all traces of the secret from the entire git commit history. It is also possible to use ‘git-filter-branch‘, but I find BFG more convenient and faster.

Linux: Using GPG encrypted credentials for enhanced security

If you currently store sensitive credentials in plaintext to automate scripting or integration to other systems, you should consider an extra layer of security by storing them encrypted using GPG. There is no fullproof way to hide sensitive information for a service that also needs to decrypt them as part of normal operations (think DVD Linux: Using GPG encrypted credentials for enhanced security

SaltStack: Keeping Salt Pillar data encrypted using GPG

When automating software and infrastructure, it is not uncommon to need to supply a user id and password for installation or other operations.  While it is certainly possible to pass these plaintext credentials directly in the state, this is not best practice. # not best practice!!! testdb_user: mysql_user.present: – name: frank – password: “test3rdb” – SaltStack: Keeping Salt Pillar data encrypted using GPG