
Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 22 template and then guest VM in vCenter

In this article I will demonstrate how to create an Ubuntu 22 template in vCenter.  Then use Terraform to create a vSphere VM based on this template. The VM template creation is done by manually stepping through the Ubuntu server ISO installation wizard, followed by a set of preparation steps. Then Terraform is used to Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 22 template and then guest VM in vCenter

Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack

The kube-prometheus-stack bundles AlertManager for taking action on Prometheus alerts. And if you are customizing the Heml custom values file to configure email alerting, there are multiple options available.  The simplest is to allow the system to fallback to using the default subject and html templates. But if you need to tailor the email content Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack

Kubernetes: kustomize overlay to enrich a base resource

With kustomize built into the kubectl CLI since version 1.14, there is little reason not to take advantage of this overlay system to deploy components to your Kubernetes cluster. Kustomize has the advantage that it is purpose built to understand and validate yaml and Kubernetes CRD, as opposed to bespoke templating solutions using sed/envsubst, Ansible, Kubernetes: kustomize overlay to enrich a base resource

Kubernetes: adding and removing pod template annotations using kubectl

Although ‘kubectl annotate‘ will set an annotation on a  object directly, it will not set the annotation on the more deeply nested pod template for a Deployment or Daemonset. If you want to quickly set the annotation on a pod template (.spec.template.metadata.annotations) without modifying the full manifest, you can  use the ‘patch‘ command.  As a Kubernetes: adding and removing pod template annotations using kubectl

Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 20 Focal template and then guest VM in vCenter

In this article I will demonstrate how to create an Ubuntu 20 Focal template in vCenter.  Then use Terraform to create a vSphere VM based on this template. The VM template creation is done by manually stepping through an installation using the minimal Ubuntu server ISO followed by a set of preparation steps. Then Terraform Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 20 Focal template and then guest VM in vCenter

Ansible: generating content for all template files using with_fileglob

There are scenarios where instead of being explicit about each file name when generating templates from a role, you may want to take all the suffixed files in the ‘templates’ directory and dump their generated content into a destination directory. As a quick example, if you are in a role and want every script in Ansible: generating content for all template files using with_fileglob

Windows: Windows 2012 Sysprep for Vagrant readiness

Many developers like to use Vagrant from HashiCorp to standardize the workflow of virtual machines: creation, running, destroying, taking snapshots, etc.. Usually Vagrant is used for Linux hosts, but it also works with Windows as long as you prepare the template properly. In a previous article I went over the detailed steps to create a template image for Windows: Windows 2012 Sysprep for Vagrant readiness

ELK: Installing MetricBeat for collecting system and application metrics

ElasticSearch’s Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper of both system and application metrics that runs as an agent on a client host.  That means that along with standard cpu/mem/disk/network metrics, you can also monitor Apache, Docker, Nginx, Redis, etc. as well as create your own collector in the Go language. In this article we will describe installing ELK: Installing MetricBeat for collecting system and application metrics