
Docker: Installing Docker CE on Ubuntu bionic 18.04

Update Dec 2021: I have written an updated article for installing Docker on focal 20.04 Docker is a container platform that streamlines software delivery and provides isolation, scalability, and efficiency with less overhead than OS level virtualization. These instructions are taken directly from the official Docker for Ubuntu page, but I wanted to reiterate those Docker: Installing Docker CE on Ubuntu bionic 18.04

SaltStack: salt-ssh for agentless automation on Ubuntu

Configuration Management tools like SaltStack are invaluable for managing infrastructure at scale.  Even in the growing world of containerization, there is the need for bulk automation. This article will detail installation of  Salt SSH which leverages the power of SaltStack without the requirements for an agent install.

SaltStack: Installing a Salt Master on Ubuntu Xenial

Configuration Management tools like SaltStack are invaluable for managing infrastructure at scale.  Even in the growing world of containerization where immutable image deployment is the norm, those images need to be built in a repeatable and auditable fashion. This article will detail installation of the SaltStack master on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04, with validation using a single Minion. Note that SaltStack: Installing a Salt Master on Ubuntu Xenial

Docker: Installing Docker CE on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

Docker is a container platform that streamlines software delivery and provides isolation, scalability, and efficiency with less overhead than OS level virtualization. These instructions are taken directly from the official Docker for Ubuntu page, but I wanted to reiterate those tasks essential for installing the Docker Community Edition on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.