Before virtualization, there was a stronger argument for using a swap partition instead of a swap file for servers. A fragmented swap file could lead to performance issues that a statically sized and placed partition did not have consider.
But once virtualization comes into play, unless you go to great lengths to segment your storage pools, that swap partition is not guaranteed to be either statically sized or statically placed on a physical platter. And at that point, you should consider using a swap file which provides more flexibility in sizing and capacity planning.
Here are instructions for adding a 16Gb swap file to Ubuntu:
validate current level of swap usage:
free -m
temporarily disable swap
swapoff -a
create a 16Gb swap file (1024 byte block * 16M = 16G)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=16M
apply proper ownership and permissions
chown root:root /swapfile chmod 0600 /swapfile
Get the file ready as a swap file. Note that the blockId output here has no meaning and cannot be used as the UUID in fstab or seen by the blkid command.
mkswap /swapfile
Add swap file to the persistent mounts referring to the path and not the UUID output by mkswap earlier. Edit /etc/fstab and append the following line:
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
re-enable swap
swapon /swapfile
validate new level of swap usage:
free -m
which should then display a 16Gb swap space
total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 32045 8750 23295 706 213 4515 -/+ buffers/cache: 4021 28023 Swap: 16319 0 16319
And finally, in order to control the tendency of the system to use swap space, adjust the swapiness. To discourage the use of swapiness, use a value like 10.
Check current level of swapiness
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
To tune the level in /etc/sysctl.conf, append the following key