Needing to find the most recently modified files in a directory is a pretty common need. Luckily the find utility has flags to easily explore a directory recursively and list recently modified files.
If you want to find modified files within ‘N’ days ago from the current directory.
# files within the last 24 hours (1 day) find . -mtime -1 # files within the last 3 days find . -mtime -3
And if you need a bit more granularity, you can specify this as minutes also. Use commands like below to find files modified within the last ‘N’ minutes.
# within last hour find . -mmin +60 # within last 12 hours find . -mmin +720
baeldung, find recently changed files
limit finds to files only
find . -type f -mmin +60
limits find to immediate directories (not recursive)
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d