Ubuntu: Using a swap file instead of swap partition for virtualized server VMs

Before virtualization, there was a stronger argument for using a swap partition instead of a swap file for servers.  A fragmented swap file could lead to performance issues that a statically sized and placed partition did not have consider. But once virtualization comes into play, unless you go to great lengths to segment your storage Ubuntu: Using a swap file instead of swap partition for virtualized server VMs

Ubuntu: Enabling Media Keys for Spotify

Updated Feb 2019 based on Spotify updates that broke this functionality. If the keyboard media keys do not work from your Ubuntu desktop, you can use D-Bus support to send the proper commands to Spotify.  Validate the following commands from the console:

Documentum: LDAPSync from the Command Line

Troubleshooting LDAPSync issues are often much easier at the command line where you can do an immediate invocation of the job without having to continually refresh DA and wait for the job to be executed.

Sending SMTP Mail from Windows Using PowerShell

When working from the Windows command line, you can do a quick test to validate your SMTP connectivity using PowerShell:   c:\> Powershell -executionpolicy bypass PS c:\> Send-MailMessage –to <TO> –from <FROM> –subject “testing123” –body “this is a test” –smtpserver <SMTPServer> -port 25 And if the mail server is accessed over TLS/SSL with SMTP authentication Sending SMTP Mail from Windows Using PowerShell

EMC OnDemand: Federated Identity Management and Silent SSO

Identity Management for On-Premise Applications Our industry today has some very proven technologies for providing a single set of login credentials to applications installed on-premise.  Most commonly, companies use a central Identity Management system (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory/Oracle Internet Directory/IBM Tivoli), and these systems implement an LDAP interface that 3rd party applications can call to EMC OnDemand: Federated Identity Management and Silent SSO

EMC OnDemand: Best Practices for Custom Methods

The concept of custom methods which run directly on the Java Method Server has proven an extremely useful extension point for Documentum developers and solutions architects.  Whether used in a workflow activity to integrate with an enterprise message queue or as an action for Webtop users who need temporarily escalated privileges to apply legal retention, EMC OnDemand: Best Practices for Custom Methods

EMC OnDemand: Enabling Distributed Content Features and BOCS

Content delivery is one of the primary use cases for a Content Mangement system.  When users are spread across six different continents, you must have an implementation that ensures timely access for all users – not just those in the local network.  A typical scenario involves the database and primary Content Server deployed in the EMC OnDemand: Enabling Distributed Content Features and BOCS

Documentum: Enterprise use of the DFS Data Model

The Documentum Foundation Services (DFS) introduced developers to the ‘DFS Data Model’, a rich object model that is capable of representing complex repository objects and relationships during interactions with content services.    For those with a DFC programming background, it can be a challenge to shift into the DFS paradigm which focuses on service oriented calls Documentum: Enterprise use of the DFS Data Model