
Vault: synchronizing secrets from Vault to Kubernetes using Vault Secrets Operator

The Vault Secrets Operator is a Vault integration that runs inside a Kubernetes cluster and synchronizes Vault-level secrets to Kubernetes-level secrets. This secret synchronization happens transparently to the running workloads, without any need to retrofit existing images or manifests. In this article, I will show how to: Install the Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) Configure the Vault: synchronizing secrets from Vault to Kubernetes using Vault Secrets Operator

Vault: JWT authentication mode with multiple roles to isolate secrets

In this article, I will detail how to use Vault JWT auth mode to isolate the secrets of two different deployments in the same Kubernetes cluster.  This will be done by using two different Kubernetes Service Accounts, each of which generates unique JWT that are tied to a different Vault role. JWT auth mode is Vault: JWT authentication mode with multiple roles to isolate secrets

GCP: fix kubectl auth plugin deprecation warning by installing new auth plugin

Starting with Kubernetes client 1.22, you may start seeing warning messages about your authentication mechanism when running commands.  Here is an example when using gcloud for GKE cluster credentials. WARNING: the gcp auth plugin is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.26+; use gcloud instead. This is because the authentication provider-specific login code will be removed GCP: fix kubectl auth plugin deprecation warning by installing new auth plugin