
Kubernetes: ingress-nginx-controller-admission error, x509 certificate signed by unknown authority

If you delete the entire nginx namespace and reinstall again via helm chart, your nginx admission controller may throw a “x509 certificate signed by unknown authority” message when you attempt to create an nginx ingress. This will happen regardless if the ingress is using http only or secure https.  And also whether or not the Kubernetes: ingress-nginx-controller-admission error, x509 certificate signed by unknown authority

Ubuntu: Adding a root certificate authority

If your backend components or application servers use a custom CA (Certificate Authority), then you may need to add it to the system trusted root certificate store so that the standard tools and other utilities trust the TLS communication.

Java: Loading self-signed, CA, and SAN certificates into a Java Keystore

The JRE comes preloaded with a set of trusted root authorities, but if you are working with self-signed certificates, or SAN server certificates that were signed using your own Certificate Authority then you are going to need to add these certificates to your trusted keystore. If your Java application attempts to communicate via TLS to Java: Loading self-signed, CA, and SAN certificates into a Java Keystore