
Bash: decoding a JWT from the command line with jq

Although has become a common online destination for decoding JWT, this can also be done locally using jq. # populate JWT variable JWT=… # decode with jq utility echo $JWT | jq -R ‘split(“.”) | .[0],.[1] | @base64d | fromjson’ Attribution of credit goes to this gist.

Kubernetes: creating TLS secrets with kustomize using embedded or external content

There are multiple options for creating a TLS secret using kustomize.  One is to embed the certificate content as a base64 string directly in the data, the other is to use an external file. Below is an example kustomization.yaml file that serves as an entry point for both methods. — apiVersion: kind: Kustomization resources: Kubernetes: creating TLS secrets with kustomize using embedded or external content

Java: Using XMLAdapter to process custom datatypes using JAXB

JAXB provides a framework for two-way binding between XML and Java structures, making it easy for developers to serialize and deserialize their XML into Java objects. Decorating a class with @XmlElement and @XmlAttribute annotations is all it usually takes to build a rich domain model from XML, but sometimes you get into a situation where Java: Using XMLAdapter to process custom datatypes using JAXB