
GCP: Cloud Run with build trigger coming from remote GitHub repository

GCP build triggers can easily handle Continuous Deployment (CD) when the source code is homed in a Google Cloud Source repository.  But even if the system of record for your source is a remote GitHub repository, these same type of push and tag events can be consumed if you configure a connection and repository link. GCP: Cloud Run with build trigger coming from remote GitHub repository

Github: automated Github release of GoLang binary using Github Actions

Github Actions provide the ability to define a build workflow directly in Github.  The workflow steps are defined as yaml and can be triggered by various events, including a code push, branch, or tagging in the repository. In this article I will detail the steps of creating a statically-linked GoLang binary that is automatically built Github: automated Github release of GoLang binary using Github Actions

GoLang: Go modules for package management during a multi-stage Docker build

My previous article on multi-stage builds to create  Docker images for Go laid the foundation for using an intermediate image as the builder your Go binary.  However, this example was intentionally simplistic and did not address package and dependency management. Since the release of Go 1.11, the standard tooling has natively supported the concept of GoLang: Go modules for package management during a multi-stage Docker build

GoLang: Using multi-stage builds to create clean Docker images

The Go programming language is a natural fit for containers because it can compile down to a single statically-linked binary.  And if you place that single executable on top of scratch, a distroless image, or a small image like alpine, your final image has a minimal footprint which is great for consumption and reuse. But the GoLang: Using multi-stage builds to create clean Docker images

Docker: Base image when deploying a GoLang binary in a container

Update Oct 2020: multi-stage builds now provide a standard way to leverage a fat build image, while allowing your published image to remain small.  This article is still useful for comparing base image sizes. GoLang applications are a great architectural fit for a Docker container because of their single binary executable. But you need to Docker: Base image when deploying a GoLang binary in a container

Jenkins: Setting up a continuous integration server on Ubuntu

Jenkins is the open-source automation server that is critical in building a continuous integration and delivery pipeline.  It is extensible and has a wealth of plugins that  integrate with numerous enterprise systems. Here are the detailed steps for installing a Jenkins server on Ubuntu.