
GCP: Cloud Run with build trigger coming from remote GitHub repository

GCP build triggers can easily handle Continuous Deployment (CD) when the source code is homed in a Google Cloud Source repository.  But even if the system of record for your source is a remote GitHub repository, these same type of push and tag events can be consumed if you configure a connection and repository link. GCP: Cloud Run with build trigger coming from remote GitHub repository

Terraform: migrate state from local to remote Google Cloud Storage bucket and back

In this article I will demonstrate how to take a Terraform configuration that is using a local state file and migrate its persistent state to a remote Google Cloud Storage bucket (GCS).  We will then perform the migration again, but this time to bring the remote state back to a local file. We will illustrate Terraform: migrate state from local to remote Google Cloud Storage bucket and back

GCP: Deploying a 2nd gen Python Cloud Function and exposing from an HTTPS LB

GCP Cloud Functions have taken a step forward with the 2nd generation release.  One of the biggest architectural differences is that now multiple request can run concurrently on a single instance, enabling large traffic loads. In this article, I will show you how to deploy a simple Python Flask web server as a 2nd gen GCP: Deploying a 2nd gen Python Cloud Function and exposing from an HTTPS LB

CloudFoundry: Deploy Cloud Foundry locally using BOSH Lite on Ubuntu

Update Jan 2019: Now using CredHub instead of ‘–vars-store’ (which will be deprecated in CF 3) Even if you are developing a service or application that will ultimately be deployed to a private Cloud Foundry instance, having a local CF instance for development work is still an ideal development workflow. There is a local CF CloudFoundry: Deploy Cloud Foundry locally using BOSH Lite on Ubuntu

EMC OnDemand: Federated Identity Management and Silent SSO

Identity Management for On-Premise Applications Our industry today has some very proven technologies for providing a single set of login credentials to applications installed on-premise.  Most commonly, companies use a central Identity Management system (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory/Oracle Internet Directory/IBM Tivoli), and these systems implement an LDAP interface that 3rd party applications can call to EMC OnDemand: Federated Identity Management and Silent SSO

EMC OnDemand: Enabling Distributed Content Features and BOCS

Content delivery is one of the primary use cases for a Content Mangement system.  When users are spread across six different continents, you must have an implementation that ensures timely access for all users – not just those in the local network.  A typical scenario involves the database and primary Content Server deployed in the EMC OnDemand: Enabling Distributed Content Features and BOCS