
Kubernetes: testing pod communication directly from istio sidecar proxy

Once you introduce an istio sidecar proxy into your deployment, it becomes another point at which you might need to troubleshoot network connectivity to the primary container. Assuming you have deployed a pod with an app label “helloworld” in the default namespace listening on port 5000, you can use a command like the following to Kubernetes: testing pod communication directly from istio sidecar proxy

CloudFoundry: Determining buildpack used by application

The “cf app” command will provide a brief expansion of a buildpack’s settings, but does not provide an exact buildpack name.  Luckily, this can easily be pulled using “cf curl” and the CloudFoundry API. Assuming you have the jq utility for parsing/querying json output: # set name of cloudfoundry app app=”my-cf-app” # using name, pull CloudFoundry: Determining buildpack used by application

ELK: Deleting unassigned shards to restore cluster health

If your ElasticSearch cluster is not healthy because of unassigned shards, there are multiple resolution paths. This datadoghq article provides an excellent walk-through of how you can analyze and resolve the situation.  The simplest case is when those unassigned shards are not required anymore, and deleting them restores cluster health. In this article, I will ELK: Deleting unassigned shards to restore cluster health

Squid: Configuring an Ubuntu host to use a Squid proxy for internet access

Once you have a Squid proxy setup as described in my article here, the next challenge is configuring your Ubuntu servers so that they use this proxy by default instead of attempting direct internet connections. There are several entities we want using Squid by default: apt package manager, interactive consoles and wget/curl, and Java applications.