
Java: Creating Docker image for Spring Boot web app using gradle

While working on your Spring Boot web application locally, gradle provides the ‘bootRun’ for a quick development lifecycle and ‘bootJar’ for packaging all the dependencies as a single jar deliverable. But for most applications these days, you will need this packaged into an OCI compatible (i.e. Docker) image for its ultimate deployment to an orchestrator Java: Creating Docker image for Spring Boot web app using gradle

Docker: Using docker-compose and networking to link a Spring Boot app to an external service dependency

In earlier versions of Docker,  links were used to connect two containers by enabling network access as well as sharing environment variables.  This approach is being deprecated in favor of a shared network between the services.  And instead of environment propagation, environment values will need to be explicitly added to each service that requires them. Docker: Using docker-compose and networking to link a Spring Boot app to an external service dependency

Docker: Running a Spring Boot based app using docker-compose

Docker Compose gives us the ability to define services,  ports, volumes, and networks in a single file.  This  file provides a convenient and unified view into what would otherwise be a long list of docker commands. In this article, you will run the Spring Boot based spring-music app in a Docker container using docker-compose.