
Docker: Use overlay2 with an xfs backing filesystem to limit rootfs size

If you are using the overlay2 storage driver, you can place limits on the rootfs within a container but only if using an xfs backing filesystem (not ext4). As a quick test of your Docker install, check your Docker storage driver and backing filesystem, then attempt to spin up a small alpine image with a Docker: Use overlay2 with an xfs backing filesystem to limit rootfs size

Docker: logspout for Docker log collection

Docker log collection can be done using various methods, one method that is particularly effective is having a dedicated container whose sole purpose is to automatically sense other deployed containers and aggregate their log events. This is the architectural model of logspout, an open-source project that acts as a router for the stdout/stderr logs of other containers. If you do Docker: logspout for Docker log collection

Docker: Sending Spring Boot logging to syslog

Building services using Spring Boot gives a development team a jump start on many production concerns, including logging.  But unlike a standard deployment where logging to a local file is where the developer’s responsibility typically ends, with Docker we must think about how to log to a public space outside our ephemeral container space. The Docker: Sending Spring Boot logging to syslog