
Gradle: running more than one command in an Exec task

A Gradle Exec task will only run the last ‘commandLine’ defined inside its block.  Putting multiple entries inside its block will not run multiple commands. As an example, if you run the following Gradle task. task willOnlyRunLast(type: Exec) { commandLine “echo”, “first” commandLine “echo”, “second” commandLine “echo”, “last” } The task above will only echo Gradle: running more than one command in an Exec task

Kubernetes: copying files into and out of containers without ‘kubectl cp’

The ‘kubectl cp‘ command is a convenient way to get files into and out of remote containers, however it requires that the ‘tar’ utility be installed inside the container. There are many images that have removed this utility because of the identified security vulnerability, while others have removed it due to the adoption of the Kubernetes: copying files into and out of containers without ‘kubectl cp’

Python: Getting live output from subprocess using poll

Using subprocess.Popen, subprocess.call, or subprocess.check_output will all invoke a process using Python, but if you want live output coming from stdout you need use subprocess.Popen in tandem with the Popen.poll method. In this article I will show how to invoke a process from Python and show  stdout live without waiting for the process to complete.  Python: Getting live output from subprocess using poll

Java: Using Maven from the console for running classes, unit tests, checking dependencies

In this short article, I’ll provide some Maven commands that I’ve found helpful.   Run single class from src/main/java mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=this.is.MyClass -Dexec.args=”myarg1 ‘my second arg’ myarg3″ Run unit test from src/test/java, all methods decorated with @Test mvn test -Dtest=this.is.MyTestClass Run unit test from src/test/java, only methods decorated with @Test and that start with ‘testDatabase’ Java: Using Maven from the console for running classes, unit tests, checking dependencies