
Git: cloning a git repository from one location to another

Most Git providers-as-a-service have administrative functions for renaming, moving, and even importing repositories from other provider URLs. However, it is also valid to perform these operations manually by repointing the origin and then pushing all commits and tags to a new repository URL. # make sure all changes are pushed first git push # check Git: cloning a git repository from one location to another

PuTTy: Bulk import PuTTy session definitions into the registry using Powershell

Putty is one of the first tools I install on any host or jumpbox.  And creating a saved session definition is extremely helpful so I can get the right window size, scrollback, keep alives, color scheme, etc. but creating each session definition by hand is time consuming. In this article, I will show you how PuTTy: Bulk import PuTTy session definitions into the registry using Powershell

VMware: Exporting from Oracle VirtualBox/Vagrant to vCloud Director

Oracle VirtualBox as a virtualization engine paired with Vagrant provides a cross-platform virtualization-agnostic workflow for Linux, Windows, and MacOS.  It is light enough to allow a developer to setup, test, and tear down virtual infrastructure as part of a unit test. You may find yourself in a position where you have built a VM in VMware: Exporting from Oracle VirtualBox/Vagrant to vCloud Director