Ruby: Copying gems to hosts with limited internet access

In a production environment, it is common to have restricted internet access on production hosts. This means that using the standard ‘gem install’ and pulling gems from the repository directly on that host is not an option.

What is needed is a way to use an internet-connected development host that matches the target production host architecture to download the exact list of gems (and their dependencies).  Then a way to archive these gems and load them in bulk into the production host.

Copy gems from source host

First we archive the entire contents of the gem installation directory (cache, doc, gems, specifications).

gem list --local

gemdir=`gem env | grep "\- INSTALLATION DIRECTORY" | awk -F ': ' {'print $2'}`
echo "Going to archive gems from $gemdir"

cd $gemdir

tar cvfz /tmp/sourcegems.tgz *

Then copy “/tmp/sourcegems.tgz” to the target host by whatever means is available.

Copy gems to target host

Now extract that gems folder into the installation directory of the target host.

gem list --local

gemdir=`gem env | grep "\- INSTALLATION DIRECTORY" | awk -F ': ' {'print $2'}`
mkdir -p $gemdir
echo "Going to extract gems to $gemdir"

ls $gemdir
tar xvfz sourcegems.tgz -C $gemdir
ls $gemdir

gem list --local

You should see that the resulting list of gems is the same as the source host.


REFERENCES (copying just cache directory, then running install local) (export using rvm?)