
Terraform: fixing error “querying Cloud Storage failed: storage: bucket doesn’t exist”

If you are attempting to run “terraform init” with a Google Cloud Storage backend and get the following error: Error: Failed to get existing workspaces: querying Cloud Storage failed: storage: bucket doesn’t exist The first check should be that the Google Cloud Storage bucket indeed exists, using gsutil. project_id=myproject-123 gsutil ls -p $project_id If the Terraform: fixing error “querying Cloud Storage failed: storage: bucket doesn’t exist”

Java: Spring Boot application as a service using SysV on Ubuntu 14.04

Although in modern architectures you typically see Spring Boot executable jars running as the primary process of a container, there are still many deployment scenarios where running the jar as a service at boot time is required. With Ubuntu 14.04, we can use SysV to run a Spring Boot application at boot time.   This will Java: Spring Boot application as a service using SysV on Ubuntu 14.04

Java: Spring Boot application as a service using systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

Although in modern architectures you typically see Spring Boot executable jars running as the primary process of a container, there are still many deployment scenarios where running the jar as a service at boot time is required. With Ubuntu 16.04, we can use the built-in systemd supervisor to run a Spring Boot application at boot Java: Spring Boot application as a service using systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

GoLang: Running a Go binary as a SysV service on Ubuntu 14.04

The Go language with its simplicity, concurrency support,  rich package ecosystem, and ability to compile down to a single binary is an attractive solution for writing services on Ubuntu. However, the Go language does not natively provide a reliable way to daemonize itself.  In this article I will describe how to take a couple of simple Go language programs, GoLang: Running a Go binary as a SysV service on Ubuntu 14.04

ELK: Running ElastAlert as a service on Ubuntu 14.04

ElastAlert from the Yelp Engineering group provides a very flexible platform for alerting on conditions coming from ElasticSearch. In a previous article I fully describe running interactively on an Ubuntu server, and now I’ll expand on that by running it at system startup using a System-V init script. One of the challenges of getting ElastAlert to run as a ELK: Running ElastAlert as a service on Ubuntu 14.04