
Bash: extracting first or last N octets, paths, or domain from string with fixed separator

When parsing a string that is divided by a separator char, getting the first N values OR last N values is a common scenario when dealing with: IP address separated by periods, e.g. “” File path separated by forward slash “/tmp/myfolder/subpath1/subpath2/subpath3” Fully qualified domain separated by periods “sub1.sub2.my.domain.com”

GKE: Determine Anthos on-prem GKE master node and IP address

If you are using Anthos GKE on-premise and need to determine which node of your Admin Cluster is the master, query for the master role.  The label is ‘node-role.kubernetes.io/master’. $ kubectl get nodes -l node-role.kubernetes.io/master NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION gke-admin-master-adfwa Ready control-plane,master 7d v1.24.9-gke.100 # using wide will also show External and Internal IP GKE: Determine Anthos on-prem GKE master node and IP address

GCP: Private GKE cluster in Autopilot mode using Terraform

GKE Autopilot reduces the operational costs of managing GKE clusters by freeing you from node level maintenance, instead focusing just on pod workloads.  Costs are accrued based on pod resource consumption and not on node resource sizes or node count, which are managed by Google. Since you no longer own the node level, there are GCP: Private GKE cluster in Autopilot mode using Terraform