
GCP: historical log of GKE cluster and nodepool upgrades and scaling

Although the simple ‘gcloud container operations list‘ command is the easiest way to find recent upgrade events on your GKE cluster or nodepool, it returns only the recent events and does not provide a historical record. If you need to look at historical events, you can use Logs Explorer web UI or use the ‘gcloud GCP: historical log of GKE cluster and nodepool upgrades and scaling

Docker: logspout for Docker log collection

Docker log collection can be done using various methods, one method that is particularly effective is having a dedicated container whose sole purpose is to automatically sense other deployed containers and aggregate their log events. This is the architectural model of logspout, an open-source project that acts as a router for the stdout/stderr logs of other containers. If you do Docker: logspout for Docker log collection

SaltStack: Troubleshooting Basic Network Connectivity of Minion on Ubuntu

When troubleshooting basic connectivity from your SaltStack minions to your Salt master, the first thing to remember is the basic flow – the minions initiate the connection to port 4505/4506 on the Salt master. With this in mind, if you have modified /etc/salt/minion so that the master is explicitly set and logs are set to SaltStack: Troubleshooting Basic Network Connectivity of Minion on Ubuntu