
ELK: Installing MetricBeat for collecting system and application metrics

ElasticSearch’s Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper of both system and application metrics that runs as an agent on a client host.  That means that along with standard cpu/mem/disk/network metrics, you can also monitor Apache, Docker, Nginx, Redis, etc. as well as create your own collector in the Go language. In this article we will describe installing ELK: Installing MetricBeat for collecting system and application metrics

ELK: ElastAlert for alerting based on data from ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch’s commercial X-Pack has alerting functionality based on ElasticSearch conditions, but there is also a strong open-source contender from Yelp’s Engineering group called ElastAlert. ElastAlert offers developers the ultimate control, with the ability to easily create new rules, alerts, and filters using all the power and libraries of Python.