
Bash: decoding a JWT from the command line with jq

Although has become a common online destination for decoding JWT, this can also be done locally using jq. # populate JWT variable JWT=… # decode with jq utility echo $JWT | jq -R ‘split(“.”) | .[0],.[1] | @base64d | fromjson’ Attribution of credit goes to this gist.

CloudFoundry: PCF Dev 0.28 for local development on Ubuntu

Update Jan 2019: The latest PCF Dev 2.x releases only support Windows/Mac and not Linux.  This article describes the older v0.28 PCF Dev is a distribution of Cloud Foundry that has a minimal footprint and is designed to run locally on a developer’s machine.  Using this lightweight distribution of Cloud Foundry, a developer can debug CloudFoundry: PCF Dev 0.28 for local development on Ubuntu

Node.js: Packaging modules for offline deployment using npm-bundle

In a production environment, it is common to have restricted internet access on the production deployment hosts.  This means that using the standard ‘npm install’ and pulling modules from the repository is not an option. Given the breadth of the dependency graph required for most modules, this packaging is something you want automated without Node.js: Packaging modules for offline deployment using npm-bundle