
CloudFoundry: Using Blue-Green deloyment and route mapping for continuous deployment

One of the goals of Continuous Deployment (CD) is an automated deployment and patching process.  And as your  organization becomes more efficient at deployment and velocity increases, you want to ensure that availability is maintained while keeping risk to a minimum. Cloud Foundry supports route mapping that allows you to stand up a new live CloudFoundry: Using Blue-Green deloyment and route mapping for continuous deployment

Spring: Spring Boot with SLF4J/Logback sending to syslog

The Spring framework provides a proven and well documented model for the development of custom projects and services. The Spring Boot project takes an opinionated view of building production Spring applications, which favors convention over configuration. In this article we will explore how to configure a Spring Boot project to use the Simple Logging Facade Spring: Spring Boot with SLF4J/Logback sending to syslog