
Gradle: running more than one command in an Exec task

A Gradle Exec task will only run the last ‘commandLine’ defined inside its block.  Putting multiple entries inside its block will not run multiple commands. As an example, if you run the following Gradle task. task willOnlyRunLast(type: Exec) { commandLine “echo”, “first” commandLine “echo”, “second” commandLine “echo”, “last” } The task above will only echo Gradle: running more than one command in an Exec task

CloudFoundry: Exploring Cloud Foundry using the spring-music application

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  It supports multiple infrastructure platforms (EC2, VMware, OpenStack), and is able to standardize deployment, logging,  scaling, and routing in a way that is friendly to a continuous delivery pipeline. In this series of articles, we will use the spring-music web application CloudFoundry: Exploring Cloud Foundry using the spring-music application