
Python: printing in color using ANSI color codes

Although there are Python modules [1,2,3] specially suited for displaying text to the console in color, if you want a quick no-dependency method then you can use ANSI color codes directly. Here is an example of printing a line in green, then red. print(“\033[0;32mOK this is green\033[00m”) print(“\033[0;31mERROR this is red\033[00m”) Additional color codes can Python: printing in color using ANSI color codes

Bash: Renaming files using shell parameter expansion

Shell parameter expansion provides various ways to manipulate strings, and a convenient way to succinctly express renaming a set of files. In its simplest form, parameter expansion is simply ${parameter}.  But look at these examples: $ mystr=”TheQuickBrownFox.jpg” # chop off last 4 digits $ echo ${mystr:0:-4} TheQuickBrownFox # truncate end of string ‘.jpg’ $ echo Bash: Renaming files using shell parameter expansion

Bash: Using shell or environment variables in awk output

If you are in the middle of a text processing pipeline, and need to insert a shell or environment variable into the output of awk, you can use the “-v” flag. Here are two files containing animal classifications: $ echo -e “shark=fish\ndolphin=mammal” > ocean.txt $ echo -e “dog=mammal\neagle=bird” > land.txt By passing the loop variable Bash: Using shell or environment variables in awk output

MongoDB: Installing a MongoDB client on Ubuntu

In order to communicate with MongoDB using its default TCP protocol on port 27017, you will need a MongoDB client.  There are many language bindings available, but in this article we’ll focus on the client available from the “mongodb-org-shell” Debian package.

Zabbix: LLD low-level discovery returning multiple values

Zabbix low-level discovery (LLD) provides a way to create an array of related items, triggers, or graphs without needing to know the exact number of entities up front. The easiest way to populate the keys of a discovery item is to add a “UserParameter” in zabbix_agentd.conf, and then the Zabbix agent will  invokes a script which returns the set Zabbix: LLD low-level discovery returning multiple values