
CloudFoundry: Logging for the spring-music webapp, Part 4

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  This article is part of a series that explores different facets of a Cloud Foundry deployment using the spring-music project as an example. This article is Part 4 of  a series on Cloud Foundry concepts: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1 Persisting spring-music data CloudFoundry: Logging for the spring-music webapp, Part 4

CloudFoundry: Exploring Cloud Foundry using the spring-music application

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  It supports multiple infrastructure platforms (EC2, VMware, OpenStack), and is able to standardize deployment, logging,  scaling, and routing in a way that is friendly to a continuous delivery pipeline. In this series of articles, we will use the spring-music web application CloudFoundry: Exploring Cloud Foundry using the spring-music application

Docker: Sending Spring Boot logging to syslog

Building services using Spring Boot gives a development team a jump start on many production concerns, including logging.  But unlike a standard deployment where logging to a local file is where the developer’s responsibility typically ends, with Docker we must think about how to log to a public space outside our ephemeral container space. The Docker: Sending Spring Boot logging to syslog

Spring: Spring Boot with SLF4J/Logback sending to syslog

The Spring framework provides a proven and well documented model for the development of custom projects and services. The Spring Boot project takes an opinionated view of building production Spring applications, which favors convention over configuration. In this article we will explore how to configure a Spring Boot project to use the Simple Logging Facade Spring: Spring Boot with SLF4J/Logback sending to syslog

Syslog: Sending Java log4j2 to rsyslog on Ubuntu

Logging has always been a critical part of application development.  But the rise of OS virtualization, applications containers, and cloud-scale logging solutions has turned logging into something bigger that managing local debug files. Modern applications and services are now expected to feed log aggregation and analysis stacks (ELK, Graylog, Loggly, Splunk, etc).  This can be Syslog: Sending Java log4j2 to rsyslog on Ubuntu