
Kubernetes: implementing and testing a HorizontalPodAutoscaler

HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) allow you to dynamically scale the replica count of your Deployment based on criteria such as memory or CPU utilization, which make it great way to manage spikes in utilization while still keeping your cluster size and infrastructure costs managed effectively. In order for HPA to evaluate CPU and memory utilization and take Kubernetes: implementing and testing a HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Kubernetes: volumeMount, emptyDir, and env equivalents during local Docker development

Kubernetes has a rich way of expressing volumes/ volumeMounts for mounting files, emptyDir for ephemeral directories, and env/envFrom for adding environment variables to your container definition running on a Kubernetes cluster. However, if you are actively iterating on the development of an image, it may slow you down to require a deployment to a remote Kubernetes: volumeMount, emptyDir, and env equivalents during local Docker development

Ansible: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 16.04

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to deploy the latest release of Ansible using pip on Ubuntu 16.04, and then perform a quick validation against a client.

Ansible: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to deploy the latest release of Ansible using pip on Ubuntu 14.04, and then perform a quick validation against a client.