
Ubuntu: Running a bash script periodically with a user-level Systemd timer

If you have a Bash script that needs to run periodically, you can run it using a crontab entry.  But you can also have it invoked by Systemd using systemd.timer. Furthermore, you can run Systemd services as  user-level services instead of the typical system-level service for even further isolation. Running via Systemd provides more powerful Ubuntu: Running a bash script periodically with a user-level Systemd timer

Java: Spring Boot application as a service using systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

Although in modern architectures you typically see Spring Boot executable jars running as the primary process of a container, there are still many deployment scenarios where running the jar as a service at boot time is required. With Ubuntu 16.04, we can use the built-in systemd supervisor to run a Spring Boot application at boot Java: Spring Boot application as a service using systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

Java: Using Maven from the console for running classes, unit tests, checking dependencies

In this short article, I’ll provide some Maven commands that I’ve found helpful.   Run single class from src/main/java mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=this.is.MyClass -Dexec.args=”myarg1 ‘my second arg’ myarg3″ Run unit test from src/test/java, all methods decorated with @Test mvn test -Dtest=this.is.MyTestClass Run unit test from src/test/java, only methods decorated with @Test and that start with ‘testDatabase’ Java: Using Maven from the console for running classes, unit tests, checking dependencies