Flux: installing Flux on a Kubernetes cluster with bootstrap command

Flux is a GitOps continuous delivery tool that provides a framework for keeping a Kubernetes cluster in-sync with source git repositories, OCI registries, and published Helm charts [1]. The recommended way to install Flux on a Kubernetes cluster is to bootstrap using the Flux CLI, so I will go through those details in this article. Flux: installing Flux on a Kubernetes cluster with bootstrap command

GitLab: pipeline to publish Helm chart to GitLab Package Registry

GitLab Pipelines provide the ability to define a build workflow, including the packaging and publishing of a Helm chart to the GitLab Package Registry. This allows tools like Helm to refer to the public URL of the Gitlab Package Registry, add it as a remote Helm repository, and then use the packaged chart. Pipeline job GitLab: pipeline to publish Helm chart to GitLab Package Registry

Mac: tensorflow-metal pip module on M1 chip for GPU support

Enabling the use of the GPU on your Mac M1 with the tensorflow-metal plugin can be challenging because there is a lot of conflicting documentation and older forum questions and replies. I’ve written this article for a Mac M1 running on macOS Sequoia 15.1.1.  As of December 2024, you should pair Python 3.11 with TensorFlow Mac: tensorflow-metal pip module on M1 chip for GPU support

Terraform: converting hex and decimal representation of random_id back to id

The random_id Terraform resource generates a value that can be used to create remote infrastructure that requires a unique identifier. The primary attribute it exposes is ‘.id’ which contains upper+lower+number characters, but it also has ‘.dec’ and ‘.hex’ equivalent representations that can be used to support infrastructure requiring a limited character set. As an example, Terraform: converting hex and decimal representation of random_id back to id

Kubernetes: deploying Kyverno for cluster policy control

Kyverno is an open-source project that manages and enforces policies within a Kubernetes cluster.  The policy definitions are defined as yaml and deployed as Kubernetes objects. Kyverno has become popular for its Kubernetes-specific policy engine and declarative rule definitions (as opposed to a general policy engine like OPA/Gatekeeper that use a domain specific language).  It Kubernetes: deploying Kyverno for cluster policy control

Kubernetes: targeting workloads to a node pool/group using taints and tolerations

If you have specific intentions for a Kubernetes node pool/group (workload isolation, cpu type, etc.), then you can assign labels to attract workloads in conjunction with taints to repel workloads that do not have explicit tolerations applied. And although the generalized kubectl utility can assign labels and taints to specific nodes, the assignment of labels Kubernetes: targeting workloads to a node pool/group using taints and tolerations

Terraform: module for conditional include of related resources

If you have a set of resources in Terraform that are conditionally included based on the same criteria, instead of appending a “count/for_each” on every resource definition, consider refactoring them into a module. The conditional can then be placed on the module definition instead of polluting each resource definition. For example, if you had several Terraform: module for conditional include of related resources

Bash: falling back to file autocompletion if errors introduced by program autocompletion

At the Bash command line interface, there is the concept of programmable completion and regular file/directory completion. This means that when you press the <TAB>, the alternatives can be provided by a custom program or the filesystem hierarchy. There is always the chance that a program may introduce undesirable behavior to your auto-completion, and if Bash: falling back to file autocompletion if errors introduced by program autocompletion

Github: security scanning built into GitHub Actions image build

Github Actions provide the ability to define a build workflow, and for projects that are building an OCI (Docker) image, there are custom actions available for running the Trivy container security scanner. In this article, I will show you how to modify your GitHub Action to run the Trivy security scanner against your image, and Github: security scanning built into GitHub Actions image build

GitLab: security scanning built into GitLab Pipelines image build

GitLab Pipelines provide the ability to define a build workflow, and for projects that are building an OCI (Docker) image, there is a convenient method for doing container security scanning as part of the build process. Include Container Scanning As described in the official documentation, add the following include to your .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline definition. include: GitLab: security scanning built into GitLab Pipelines image build

GCP: publishing and reading from Google PubSub Topic using Python client libraries

Google Pub/Sub is a managed messaging platform providing a scalable, asynchronous, loosely-coupled solution for communication between application entities. It centers around the concept of a Topic (queue).  A Publisher can put messages on the Topic, and a Subscriber can read messages from the Subscription on a Topic. In this article, I will first use the GCP: publishing and reading from Google PubSub Topic using Python client libraries

GCP: Installing KEDA on a GKE cluster with workload identity and testing Scalers

KEDA is an open-source event-driven autoscaler that greatly enhances the abilities of the standard HorizontalPodAutoscaler.  It can scale based on internal metrics as well as external Scaler sources. In this article, I will illustrate how to install KEDA on a GKE cluster that has Workload Identity enabled, and then how to configure KEDA scaling events GCP: Installing KEDA on a GKE cluster with workload identity and testing Scalers

GCP: historical log of GKE cluster and nodepool upgrades and scaling

Although the simple ‘gcloud container operations list‘ command is the easiest way to find recent upgrade events on your GKE cluster or nodepool, it returns only the recent events and does not provide a historical record. If you need to look at historical events, you can use Logs Explorer web UI or use the ‘gcloud GCP: historical log of GKE cluster and nodepool upgrades and scaling

Bash: calculating number of days till certificate expiration using openssl

The openssl utility can be used to show the details of a certificate, including its ‘Not After’ expiration date in string format.  This can be transformed into “how many days till expiration” with a bit of Bash date math. Create test certificate and key Using a line provided by Diego Woitasen for non-interactive self-signed certification Bash: calculating number of days till certificate expiration using openssl

GitLab: URL shortcut to override pipeline variable values

GitLab pipelines are a convenient way to expose deployment/delivery tasks.  But with their rudimentary web UI for variable input, it can be challenging for users to populate the required list of variables. One way of making it more convenient for end-users is to provide them a URL pre-populated with the specific branch and pipeline variable GitLab: URL shortcut to override pipeline variable values

OpenTofu: installing OpenTofu on Debian/Ubuntu

Terraform has now been open-source and forked with the OpenTofu project.  The ‘tofu’ binary is a drop-in replacement for terraform, and this article will show you how to install on Debian/Ubuntu. After installation, we will then use the Debian/Ubuntu Alternatives concept to supersede existing calls to ‘terraform’ to instead invoke ‘tofu’. Setup OpenTofu apt repository OpenTofu: installing OpenTofu on Debian/Ubuntu

Terraform: external yaml file as a contribution model for outside teams

If you are using Terraform as a way to provide infrastructure/services to outside teams, your Terraform definitions and variables may initially be owned by your team alone, with all “tf apply” operations done by trusted internal group members at the CLI. But once there is a certain amount of maturity in the solution, the Terraform Terraform: external yaml file as a contribution model for outside teams

yq: updating deeply nested elements

Mike Farah’s yq yaml processor has a a rich set of operators and functions for advanced usage.  In this article, I will illustrate how to update deeply nested elements in yaml.  This can be done for both known paths as well as arbitrarily deep paths. Sample yaml We will use the following yaml files to yq: updating deeply nested elements

yq: validate yaml syntax

Mike Farah’s yq yaml processor has a a full-featured validation command that is very detailed in its reporting, but the yaml specification itself is very lenient, which means yq may accept scenarios you did not expect (e.g. an empty file). yq -v file.yaml >/dev/null ; echo “final result = $?” Luckily, the yq tips-and-tricks section yq: validate yaml syntax

Ubuntu: pyenv for managing multiple Python versions and environments

Keeping the Ubuntu system-level Python version and modules independent from those desired at each project level is a difficult task best managed by a purpose-built tool. There are many solutions in the Python ecosystem, but one that stands out for simplicity is pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv. pyenv allows you to install and switch between different versions Ubuntu: pyenv for managing multiple Python versions and environments

Ubuntu: LLama2 model on Ubuntu using llama.cpp

It is relatively easy to experiment with a base LLama2 model on Ubuntu, thanks to llama.cpp written by Georgi Gerganov. The llama.cpp project provides a C++ implementation for running LLama2 models, and works even on systems with only a CPU (although performance would be significantly enhanced if using a CUDA-capable GPU).

Mac: LLama2 model on Apple Silicon and GPU using llama.cpp

It is relatively easy to experiment with a base LLama2 model on M family Apple Silicon, thanks to llama.cpp written by Georgi Gerganov. The llama.cpp project provides a C++ implementation for running LLama2 models, and takes advantage of the Apple integrated GPU to offer a performant experience (see M family performance specs).

minikube: installing minikube on Mac with secure TLS ingress

minikube makes it easy to spin up a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, and adding an Ingress is convenient with its built-in Addons. In this article, I want to take it one step further and show how to expose the Ingress via TLS (secure https) using a custom key/certificate chain.

Mac: bare-metal virtualization on Apple Silicon with virtualbuddy

The Apple Virtualization Framework (AVF) provides the ability to run completely independent virtual machines on top of M family Apple Silicon. For example, you can run multiple versions of MacOS virtualized for validating an application or its dependencies against different environments.  Additionally, cloning an existing VM (with little cost thanks to APFS copy-on-write) allows you Mac: bare-metal virtualization on Apple Silicon with virtualbuddy

Mac: multiple Python versions/virtualenv with brew and pyenv

Although you could use brew to install Python directly, the cleaner way to manage Python versions and isolate Python virtual environments is by using pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv. pyenv allows you to install and switch between different versions of Python, while pyenv-virtualenv provides isolation of pip modules, for independence between projects.

Bash: fixing “Too many authentication failures” for ssh with private key authentication

If you are using ssh private/public keypair authentication, and get an almost immediate error like below: $ ssh -i id_rsa.pub myuser@a.b.c.d -p 22 Received disconnect from a.b.c.d port 22:2: Too many authentication failures Disconnected from a.b.c.d port 22 Then try again using the ‘IdentitiesOnly‘ option. ssh -o ‘IdentitiesOnly yes’ -i id_rsa.pub myuser@a.b.c.d -p 22 The Bash: fixing “Too many authentication failures” for ssh with private key authentication

Ubuntu: resolving systemd error, “Start request repeated too quickly”

If your systemd service is failing with the following error message: XXX.service: Start request repeated too quickly The first thing to do is fix any underlying issues.  Use ‘systemctl status <service>’, ‘journalctl -u <service>’, and search any log files produced by the service to understand why the service failed multiple times and exceeded its StartLimitBurst. Ubuntu: resolving systemd error, “Start request repeated too quickly”

Vault: synchronizing secrets from Vault to Kubernetes using Vault Secrets Operator

The Vault Secrets Operator is a Vault integration that runs inside a Kubernetes cluster and synchronizes Vault-level secrets to Kubernetes-level secrets. This secret synchronization happens transparently to the running workloads, without any need to retrofit existing images or manifests. In this article, I will show how to: Install the Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) Configure the Vault: synchronizing secrets from Vault to Kubernetes using Vault Secrets Operator