Terraform: using dynamic blocks to add multiple disks on a vsphere_virtual_machine

If the Terraform resource you are creating supports multiple dependent entities (e.g. a single VM with multiple disks or networks), but only by adding hardcoded duplicate text blocks, then you should consider Terraform dynamic blocks.

For example, if you are creating a vsphere_virtual_machine with two additional data disks, then here is a snippet showing how you must explicitly type out 2 additional “disk” blocks.  Unfortunately, you are unable to use “for_each” or “count” to express a generic number of data disks.

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
name = "mytestvm1"

# first boot disk
disk {
  label       = "disk0"
  unit_number = 0
  size        = 40
# second and third data disk
disk { 
  label = "disk1"
  unit_number = 1
  size = 10
disk {
  label = "disk2"
  unit_number = 2

Dynamic blocks provide the syntactic sugar that allows you to express a variable block of text within a resource without hardcoding “N” number of blocks.  Below is how you can express a variable number of data disks on a VM resource.

locals {
  # flexible number of data disks for VM
  disks = [
    { "id":1, "dev":"sdb", "sizeGB":10 },
    { "id":2, "dev":"sdc", "sizeGB":20  }

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
name = "mytestvm1"

# first boot disk 
disk { 
  label = "disk0" 
  unit_number = 0
  size = 40 

# creates variable number of data disks for VM
dynamic "disk" {
  for_each = [ for disk in local.disks: disk ]

  content {
   label       = "disk${disk.value.id}"
   unit_number = disk.value.id
   size        = disk.value.sizeGB

I’m using a local variable construct to create a list to iterate over, but you could use a regular variable or data just as easily.  In fact, the for_each is even more permissive in this inside context and will accept lists as well as sets.

  for_each = [ for disk in local.disks: disk ]

By default, the iterator name is not “each” and is instead the name of the dynamic block, “disk” in our case.


The use of dynamic blocks can greatly simply the expression of a variable number of blocks in a resource, and help you avoid hardcoded variants.

Here is a link to a full example of creating a vsphere vm with a variable number of data disks using dynamic blocks.



terraform, dynamic blocks

vsphere_virtual_machine spec

count meta-argument



