
GCP: Moving a VM instance to a different region using snapshots

The ‘gcloud compute instances move‘ command is convenient for moving VM instances from one region to another, but only works within a narrow scope of OS image types and disks. For example, only older non-UEFI OS images can be moved with this command. Trying to move even the simplest Ubuntu bionic/focal or Debian bullseye/buster VM GCP: Moving a VM instance to a different region using snapshots

Terraform: using dynamic blocks to add multiple disks on a vsphere_virtual_machine

If the Terraform resource you are creating supports multiple dependent entities (e.g. a single VM with multiple disks or networks), but only by adding hardcoded duplicate text blocks, then you should consider Terraform dynamic blocks. For example, if you are creating a vsphere_virtual_machine with two additional data disks, then here is a snippet showing how Terraform: using dynamic blocks to add multiple disks on a vsphere_virtual_machine