GCP: Deploying a 2nd gen Python Cloud Function and exposing from an HTTPS LB

GCP Cloud Functions have taken a step forward with the 2nd generation release.  One of the biggest architectural differences is that now multiple request can run concurrently on a single instance, enabling large traffic loads.

In this article, I will show you how to deploy a simple Python Flask web server as a 2nd gen GCP Cloud Function.  This function will immediately be available via HTTPS on Google’s “run.app” domain.

We will take it a step further and create a serverless NEG (network endpoint group) that allows us to expose this same function from a GCP external HTTPS load balancer with our own TLS certificate.

Python Flask app

The app we will be deploying to Cloud Function is a simple Python Flask web server that responds with “Hello world” and the URL path being requested.

In order to prove out the local development lifecycle, let’s run the program locally first and view the output.

git clone https://github.com/fabianlee/gcp-https-lb-vms-cloudfunc.git
cd gcp-https-lb-vms-cloudfunc
cd roles/gcp-cloud-function-gen2/files/hello

# install required pip modules
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

# run web server locally on port 8080
python3 -m flask run --port 8080

A call from either a brower or curl will show a “Hello World” message along with the request path.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/mypath?foo=bar
Hello World<br/>mypath?foo=bar

This is the same program that we will now deploy to Cloud Functions.  Press <CTRL>-C to break out of the local web server.

Enable Cloud Function

The first step in deployment is to enable the Cloud Function services and Google Artifact Registry (used in gen2).

# variables used in commands

# enable cloud function services
gcloud services enable cloudfunctions.googleapis.com cloudbuild.googleapis.com
# enable cloud function gen2 required services
gcloud services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com run.googleapis.com artifactregistry.googleapis.com containerregistry.googleapis.com

# create artifact repository used by gen2
gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --location=$region --repository-format=docker

Deploy Cloud Function gen2

Then deploy the gen2 Cloud Function and set the concurrency levels to allow high concurrency.

gcloud $channel functions deploy $funcname --entry-point=$entry_point --gen2 --runtime python38 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated --min-instances=1 --region=$region

gcloud $channel run services update $funcname --concurrency 200 --cpu=1 --region=$region

Validate Cloud Function

At this point, the Cloud Function is deployed.  Google assigns a secure certificate on the “run.app” domain to the application, and it can be called from a browser or curl.

direct_url=$(gcloud $channel functions describe $funcname --format "value(serviceConfig.uri)" --region=$region --gen2)

# outputs message, then path and request vars
$ curl ${direct_url}/mypath?myvar=2
Hello World<br/>/mypath?myvar=2

Introduce external HTTPS load balancer

If we want to take it a step further, we may want to add this hello service to an existing external HTTPS load balancer so that it can be served up just like our cluster resources.  Or we may to use our own custom TLS certificate and domain to serve this function.

To do that, we can create a serverless NEG (network endpoint group) from the Cloud Function, and then tie it into a load balancer.  The diagram below illustrates this concept, and we will spend the rest of the article showing how to create these objects.

Note: There is purposely not a health-checks object in the diagram above,   health-checks are not supported for backend services with serverless NEG backends.

Create serverless NEG

The serverless NEG (network endpoint groups) are what allow us to point to a backend service, which is what ties this into the load balancer chain.

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create ${funcname}-neg --region=$region --network-endpoint-type=serverless --cloud-run-service=$funcname

Create backend service

gcloud compute backend-services create ${funcname}-backend --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL --global

gcloud compute backend-services add-backend ${funcname}-backend --global --network-endpoint-group=${funcname}-neg --network-endpoint-group-region=$region

Create URL Map

The name given to the URL map is actually what is seen in the console UI as the load balancer name.

gcloud compute url-maps create ${funcname}-lb1 --default-service=${funcname}-backend --global

Create TLS cert

We create a self-signed TLS certificate for convenience, this is where you would  provide a commercial certificate for production purposes.

# certificate and key for TLS, created locally
if [ ! -f /tmp/$domain.key ]; then
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout /tmp/$domain.key -out /tmp/$domain.crt \
-subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=SFO/O=myorg/CN=$domain"

# load certificate
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create ${funcname}-lbcert --certificate=/tmp/$domain.crt --private-key=/tmp/$domain.key --global

Create target https proxy

This is the entity that actually runs the envoy proxy, and we associate the certificate and url map created in the previous steps.

gcloud compute target-https-proxies create ${funcname}-https-proxy --ssl-certificates=${funcname}-lbcert --url-map=${funcname}-lb1 --global

Create the global forwarding rule

Finally, we create the global forwarding rule that defines what IP address public traffic is received on.

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create ${funcname}-frontend --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL --target-https-proxy=${funcname}-https-proxy --ports=443 --global

Validate external HTTPS LB

Although you will be able to see all the load balancer objects in the web console UI, it can take up to 10 minutes for the load balancer to configure itself properly and deliver traffic.

public_ip=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe ${funcname}-frontend --global | yq eval ".IPAddress")

echo "Here is the IP address of the ${funcname}-frontend Load Balancer: $public_ip"

# try this, but first wait 10 minutes for LB to configure
# you will get 500 and SSL errors until it is ready
curl -kv https://$public_ip/mytest?myvar=1

Run load test against Cloud Function

If you want to run a load test against the Cloud Function to test concurrency, the “hey” package on Linux is convenient.

sudo apt install hey -y

# get URL directly to Cloud Function
direct_url=$(gcloud $channel functions describe $funcname --region $region --gen2 --format="value(serviceConfig.uri)")

# 200 total requests, 20 concurrent at a time
hey -n 200 -c 20 $direct_url

You can view the number of instances that Cloud Function spun up to meet your request demand in the web console UI.


Here is a script with all the commands from this article, deploy.sh.



google ref, cloud functions gen2 getting started

google ref, external HTTPS LB for Cloud Functions

google ref, differences in Cloud Functions gen2

google ref, serverless neg concepts

google ref, recipe for external HTTPS LB for Cloud Function

google ref, external HTTPS LB overview

google ref, external HTTPS LB architecture explanation and diagram

google, backend-services

google, creating LB health checks

google, writing cloud functions

google ref, gcloud unmanaged instance groups

google ref, gcloud backend-services

xfthhxk, GCP external load balancer with gcloud for App Engine

devs google, cloud functions in Python

warrick on medium, cloud functions using python

alfonsof, cloud function python examples

google ref, cloud functions gen2 with performance test

larry nguen on medium, 2nd gen Cloud Function enhancements

google ref, Cloud Function logging and logging library

google ref, gcloud functions log read

google ref, limitations of serverless neg


View logs

gcloud beta functions logs read hellogen2 --region us-east1 --gen2 --format=json --min-log-level=ERROR