
Bash: cloning the ownership and permissions of another file using reference

If you need to create a file that has the exact same ownership and permission bits as an existing file, the ‘reference’ flag provides a convenient shortcut. For example, if you had a file named ‘myoriginal’ that had the exact ownership and permissions required for a new file ‘mynewfile’, you could use the commands below Bash: cloning the ownership and permissions of another file using reference

Git: cloning a git repository from one location to another

Most Git providers-as-a-service have administrative functions for renaming, moving, and even importing repositories from other provider URLs. However, it is also valid to perform these operations manually by repointing the origin and then pushing all commits and tags to a new repository URL. # make sure all changes are pushed first git push # check Git: cloning a git repository from one location to another

Git: BFG for removing secrets from entire git history

If you accidentally pushed a secret or password into a git repository, the BFG Repo-Clean utility is a convenient option for removing all traces of the secret from the entire git commit history. It is also possible to use ‘git-filter-branch‘, but I find BFG more convenient and faster.

Git: Contributing to a git project using a pull request

With so many critical projects available in public git repositories like github, it is important to be able to contribute back additional functionality, tests, and documentation to the original project.  While most projects do not allow a direct commit, contributions can be made by submitting a pull request to original repository. Often times, repositories are Git: Contributing to a git project using a pull request

Windows: Windows 2012 Sysprep for Vagrant readiness

Many developers like to use Vagrant from HashiCorp to standardize the workflow of virtual machines: creation, running, destroying, taking snapshots, etc.. Usually Vagrant is used for Linux hosts, but it also works with Windows as long as you prepare the template properly. In a previous article I went over the detailed steps to create a template image for Windows: Windows 2012 Sysprep for Vagrant readiness

GIT: Calling git clone using password with special character

It is more popular to use an ssh key instead of a password when automating a git clone from a guest OS.  But if you do need to specify the password directly into the console command, it takes this form: $ git clone https://<user>:<password>@<gitserver>/<path>/<repo>.git Which works fine if the password is plaintext, but if it GIT: Calling git clone using password with special character